Dear friends and colleagues !

You are invited to be part of "FLAIR 2018 - Field Laser Applications in Industry and Research", where researchers and industry can talk, listen and develop integrative projects on all aspects of spectroscopic analysis. We aim to stimulate new research initiatives and field laser applications with a broad interdisciplinary approach. FLAIR will bring our research aims together, and will allow networking among different applications and scientific disciplines.

FLAIR provides overview lectures by international experts emphasizing integrative and multi-disciplinary approaches. We attract not only specialists, but also people, who know quite well measurement challenges in industry and research, but may have only little knowledge about laser based solutions. An industry session with exhibition, poster sessions and short oral presentations will take place. The venue is S. Maria degli Angeli, a district of Assisi, you will have the opportunity to discover history and art in Umbria and enjoy the cuisine of central Italy. Part of the concept of FLAIR is to stay in the same place, to maximize
interaction in an informal atmosphere and create a core group for furthering Laser Application in Industry and Research as a cross-disciplinary science.

Join us and make
FLAIR 2018 as successful as FLAIR 2016, FLAIR 2014, FLAIR 2011, FLAIR 2009 and FLAIR 2007 before !


Francesco D´Amato and Erik Kerstel


FLAIR 2018 Chairmen and Organizers


Francesco D'Amato
National Institute of Optics CNR-INO
Largo E. Fermi 6
50125 Firenze, Italy



Erik Kerstel

Université Grenoble Alpes

CNRS Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire de Physique (LIPhy)

140, rue de la physique

38402 Saint Martin d'Hères Cedex 9, France